Copying Exams Forward

The copy forward feature enables you to quickly document a new exam by duplicating a patient’s prior exam. This cuts exam clicks, taps, and swipes in half by allowing you to pull historical data into a new exam. When you copy forward, you avoid having to select every element within the new exam. You must, however, review the exam data, update any outdated information, and mark that you confirm that the information is correct.

This topic discusses:

Becoming Efficient with Copy Forward

The following table outlines the differences between copy forward and two other time-saving features—import previous findings and protocols.


Copy Forward

View/Import Previous Findings

Exam Protocols

Short Description

Create a new exam based on details from a prior exam

Import previous findings into the current ocular exam

Apply exam templates that populate common default details in the current ocular exam

Patient Type




Exam Area


Ocular (findings, impressions, procedures, plans)

Ocular (normal findings, expected impressions, procedures, plans)

Best for

Comprehensive annual exams

Medical visits (e.g., red eye follow up, glaucoma work up)

New patient exams

Incremental visit exams (e.g., glaucoma or contact lens follow up)

Postop exams (e.g., cataract follow up, YAG)

Copying Forward ExamWRITER Exams

Encompass can copy forward some elements from exams that were converted from ExamWRITER and display the green Finalized icon, including the following:

  • Visual acuities
  • Wearing Rx (i.e., Presenting)
  • Autorefractions
  • Keratometry readings
  • Tonometry (i.e., IOP)
  • CD ratio
  • Pachymetry
  • Eyeglass wearing Rx
  • Final Rx
  • Contact lens wearing Rx
  • Contact lens final Rx

Using Copy Forward on the Web App

  1. Open the Patient Chart screen and locate a finalized exam.

    Only finalized exams may be copied forward. Preliminary exams cannot be copied forward until they are finalized.

  2. Click Copy Forward.

    A window appears, enabling you to select any/all of the following sections you want to copy forward:

    • Chief Complaint/HPI
    • Review of Systems
    • Vision Exam
    • Eye Exam
    • Impressions/Plans
  3. Select the check box for any section(s) you want to copy forward.
  4. Click Import.

    You're taken to the Visit Overview screen for the new visit you've copied forward.

  5. Click the CC/HPI/ROS action bar icon.
  6. Review and update information on each tab.
  7. Click Save or Save and Continue to confirm the data for each element.

    You must save (or edit and save) every element in the exam. You won’t be able to finalize the exam with unsaved elements.

  8. Review the Vision Exam and Ocular Exam areas, update exam elements as needed, and click Save to confirm.

    You can confirm or deny individual Vision Exam sections from the Visit Overview.

    You can’t finalize an exam until all exam areas are confirmed. The Finalize Visit button will be disabled until all elements are saved.

    Don’t import previous findings or apply protocols to a copied forward exam.

  9. Click Finalize Visit when you have completed the exam.

For instructions for the iPad App, see Using Copy Forward in the iPad App.