Understanding ePA Status Changes

It's important for both providers and staff to monitor the ePA queue daily to verify status changes. To learn how to open the ePA queue, go to Opening the ePA Queue.

This topic covers how to respond to some of the most common ePA statuses.

Full List of ePA Statuses

The following list explains what each ePA status means.

Status Meaning


A prior authorization request has been submitted to the payer.

Not Initiated

Action is required to Initiate ePA or Override ePA.

Action Required

Payer has received the request, and prior authorization must be completed with clinical questions or ePA instructions.


The ePA has been approved by the payer.

Approved with Appeal

The ePA has been approved, and an appeal can be submitted.


The ePA has been refused by the user.


The ePA has been processed with clinical questions and ePA instructions addressed.


The ePA has been denied by the payer.

Denied with Appeal

The ePA has been denied, and an appeal can be submitted.


The ePA has been canceled by the user.


The ePA has been closed. If the payer or Surescripts closes an ePA, view the ePA Instructions for further details. Once an ePA is closed, the prescription will be released to the Rx queue, at which time you'll be able to ePrescribe, print, or void the prescription.

Closed PDR Received

The ePA process cannot be completed within Encompass, but a link within the ePA instructions will provide you access to a form you can use to advance the ePA process manually. View the ePA to see the ePA instructions.

None Available

There is no ePA available to process.

View Error

There is an error in the authorization.

Full List of ePA Actions

The Action column is contextual. It provides links to appropriate actions based on the status of the authorization. This table lists all possible actions regardless of status.

Select this link… To perform this action…
Initiate ePA

Request authorization from the patient's primary insurance

View ePA

Review the ePA summary

Appeal ePA

Appeal a denied or approved authorization

Override ePA

Bypass the ePA process due to medication's being cosmetic or self-pay

Cancel ePA

Stop the authorization process

Change the Rx Plan

Select the patient's secondary insurance for authorization