Capturing Optovue Images
- Create a blank exam, or open a saved exam in Encompass.
- In the Encompass chart window, click the Interfaces icon.
- Select Optovue:Capture.
- Maximize the Optovue software, and select the name of the patient whose exam is open.
- Capture the patient’s retinal images on the Optovue equipment, and export them to the capture folder created in Setting Up the Capture & Review Folders.
To export retinal images in the Optovue software, click the camera icon, select the capture folder created in Setting Up the Capture & Review Folders, and click Save. For more information on exporting retinal images in the Optovue software, contact Optovue.
- Minimize the Optovue software.
- Click OK.
- Close the Optovue software to return to Encompass.
In the patient exam, the Optovue icon appears on the Images - Drawings tab under the Images, Drawings and Graphics category bar.
- To review the patient’s captured retinal images, see Reviewing Optovue Images .