Viewing the Final Prescription in the iPad App

To view final prescriptions

  1. Open the Vision Exam screen.

    For more information, go to Opening the Vision Exam Screen in the iPad App.

  2. Tap More on the Action Bar.
  3. Tap G&C.

    The Glasses tab displays the final glasses prescription for this visit, if any.

  4. (Optional) From the Glasses tab, perform the following tasks:
    • Tap + to add a new prescription
    • Tap Send Rx to send the prescription to the practice management system
    • If you can print from your iPad to an AirPrint printer, tap Print to print the prescription.
    • Edit, Copy, or Delete a prescription
  5. Tap the Contacts tab.

    The Contacts tab displays the final contact lens prescription for this visit, if any.

  6. (Optional) From the Contacts tab, perform the following tasks:
    • Tap +RGB/Hybrid or +Soft to add a new prescription
    • Tap Send Rx to send the prescription to the practice management system
    • If you have the ability to print from your iPad to an AirPrint printer, tap Print to print the prescription
    • Edit, Copy, or Delete a prescription
  7. Tap the Trials tab.

    The Trials tab displays the trials for this visit, if any.

    From this tab, you can tap +Add Soft Contacts or +Add Glasses to add a prescription based on the trial.

  8. Tap the Refractions tab.

    The Refractions tab displays the refractions for this visit, if any.

    From this tab you can tap +Add Contacts or +Add Glasses to add a prescription based on the refraction.