Viewing the Final Prescription in the iPad App
- Open the Vision Exam screen.
For more information, go to Opening the Vision Exam Screen in the iPad App.
- Tap More on the Action Bar.
- Tap G&C.
The Glasses tab displays the final glasses prescription for this visit, if any.
- (Optional) From the Glasses tab, perform the following tasks:
- Tap + to add a new prescription
- Tap Send Rx to send the prescription to the practice management system
- If you can print from your iPad to an AirPrint printer, tap Print to print the prescription.
- Edit, Copy, or Delete a prescription
- Tap the Contacts tab.
The Contacts tab displays the final contact lens prescription for this visit, if any.
- (Optional) From the Contacts tab, perform the following tasks:
- Tap +RGB/Hybrid or +Soft to add a new prescription
- Tap Send Rx to send the prescription to the practice management system
- If you have the ability to print from your iPad to an AirPrint printer, tap Print to print the prescription
- Edit, Copy, or Delete a prescription
- Tap the Trials tab.
The Trials tab displays the trials for this visit, if any.
From this tab, you can tap +Add Soft Contacts or +Add Glasses to add a prescription based on the trial.
- Tap the Refractions tab.
The Refractions tab displays the refractions for this visit, if any.
From this tab you can tap +Add Contacts or +Add Glasses to add a prescription based on the refraction.