Adding Staff

  1. From the menu, click Resources and select Staff Setup. The Staff Setup screen displays.
  2. Click + Staff.
  3. Complete the following fields:



    Staff ID

    A unique alphanumeric ID.

    The staff ID is displayed on patient invoices and transactions generated by the staff member for tracking and auditing purposes.

    Staff Name

    First and name of the staff member.

    Login Name

    The staff member’s login name for practice management.

    The default login password for new staff members is start123. Staff are prompted to set a new password the first time they log in to the system.

    HIPAA Privacy Signature Date

    The HIPAA Privacy Signature date.


    The staff member’s phone number.


    The staff member’s fax number.


    If selected, makes the staff member active in the system.

    License #

    The staff member’s license number.


    The staff member’semployer identification number (EIN).

    Works at Office(s)

    A drop-down list of offices. Select the offices where the provider works.

    Default Exam Minutes

    The default number of exam minutes in which the scheduler should increment appointments for the staff member. You can select default exam minutes in any 5-minute increment between 5 and 90 minutes.

    Allow Overbooks

    The maximum number of overbookings that are allowed in each time period.

    Selecting 0 prevents appointments from being double booked on the provider’s schedule.

    Allow to be scheduled

    If selected, allows the staff member to have appointments scheduled.The staff member will appear in the Scheduler on the Resource drop-down list and in Resource Settings.

  4. Click Save.

    The Staff Security window opens, prompting you to select security settings for the staff member. For more information, go to Setting Up Staff Security Settings. The Eyefinity EHR field is automatically updated with the staff member’s system-generated ID number. This number is used by EHR and cannot be edited.