Billing Safety Claims
This section tells you how to bill insurance carriers that offer benefits for safety glasses only. Contact Eyefinity Customer Care to set up safety claim billing.
For more information on selecting a plan type, contact Eyefinity Customer Care.
If a claim that you want to bill does not have the status Ready to Bill, set the status to Ready to Bill. For more information, go to Setting the Claim Status to Ready to Bill.
To bill for safety claims:
- From Claims Management, click Billing Claims and select Generate CMS Form.
- To search for claims from a specific carrier, select the carrier from the Carrier drop-down list.So that an insurance carrier populates the Carrier drop-down list, mark a plan from that carrier as a Safety plan in Administration.
- To search for claims from a specific date range, enter a start date in the Service Date From text box and an end date in the Service Date To text box.
To select dates from the calendar, click the Calendar button.
- Click Search.
All safety claims that meet your search criteria and have the status Ready to Bill appear.
- Click Generate Form.
The claim status changes to Billed, and the bills open as a PDF in a new window.
- Click Print.
- After you print the bills, send them to the appropriate carriers.