Generating the Appointment Service Type Report

The Appointment Type report displays how many of each appointment type have been scheduled during a specific period of time.

  1. Click Reporting and select Standard Reports.
  2. Click Appointments Reports.
  3. Click Appointment Service Type Report.
  4. Enter the date range to print, or select dates from the calendar.
  5. Select the Resources and Service Type. You can select as many as needed.
  6. Click Generate Report.

    The report opens in a new window.

    If the report does not open, check to make sure your browser is set to allow pop-up windows. For instructions, see Enabling Pop-ups
  7. To export the report, perform one of the following steps:
    • Click Export to PDF to open the report as a PDF file.
    • Click Export to Excel to open the report as an Excel spreadsheet.