Managing Patient Documents

You can include documents in the patient profile, such as the patient’s drivers license, insurance card, medical card, medical history, financial disclaimer, medications list, HIPAA privacy policy, or other paperwork. This section discusses managing these documents. Topics include:

Uploading a Document

You can upload the following file types: .jpg, .png, .gif, .tif, and .pdf. Each file cannot be larger than 4 MB.

To upload a document:

  1. On the left side of the Demographics screen, under Correspondence, click Documents.
  2. Click + Upload Document.
  3. Select the Document Type.
  4. Record the Document Name any Comments you want to include.
  5. Click + Choose File.
  6. Browse for the document file and click Open.
  7. Click Save.

Editing Document Information

After uploading, you can edit a document’s type, name, and comments.

  1. On the left side of the Demographics screen, under Correspondence, click Documents.
  2. In the list, click the document you want to edit.
  3. The Edit Document window opens.
  4. Select the Document Type.
  5. Enter the Document Name.
  6. Enter any Comments you want to add.
  7. Click Save.

Exporting and Printing a Document

After you upload a document to the patient profile, you can export it as a PDF file and then print it.

To export and print a document as a PDF, you must have Adobe Reader installed. To install Adobe Reader, go to

  1. On the left side of the Demographics screen, under Correspondence, click Documents.
  2. Locate the document you want to export and print.
  3. Click the Export as a PDF icon.

    The document opens as a PDF file in a new window.

  4. Click Print.

Deleting a Document

  1. On the left side of the Demographics screen, under Correspondence, click Documents.
  2. Locate the document you want to delete.
  3. Click the Delete icon.

Uploading and Viewing Documents in ECR Vault

If you have ECR Vault integrated with Encompass, you can access and upload documents stored in ECR Vault from Front Office. For more information, go to Activating the ECR Vault Integration.

To launch the ECR Vault Capture Application:

  • On the left side of the Demographics screen, under Correspondence, click ECR Vault Upload.

To launch the ECR Vault Client Application:

  • On the left side of the Demographics screen, under Correspondence, click ECR Vault View.