Reviewing Kowa Images

  • The Kowa review software can be used only from within ExamWRITER when a patient’s retinal images were previously captured using ExamWRITER and the Kowa Capture Interface.
  • Both the Kowa review software and ExamWRITER must be installed and set up on all workstations on which you want to review images. In addition, a path to the location where the Kowa database resides must be set up. For information on setting up the path to the Kowa database in the ExamWRITER equipment interface, see Setting Up the Kowa Interface.
  1. Ensure that ExamWRITER is open.
  2. Create a blank exam, or open a saved exam for an existing patient.
  3. In the ExamWRITER chart window, click the Interfaces icon, and select Kowa:Review.


    Under the ExamWRITER Images, Drawings and Graphics category bar, click the Kowa icon.

    The Kowa Capture window opens and displays the patient’s history.

  4. Follow the Kowa review instructions to use the application.
  5. Close Kowa to return to ExamWRITER.