Voiding Fee Slips

Depending on your security, you may or may not be able to void or modify fee slips. For example:

  • You cannot void fee slips created at other locations.

  • Voiding a fee slip cancels any associated orders in OfficeMate. You may need to notify the lab of the cancellation.

  • You cannot void a fee slip if you are using perpetual inventory and the order associated with the fee slip is marked shipped, received, or dispensed. You must use the Return Product function. For more information, see Returning Products.

  • When you void a fee slip, a credit memo is created and displayed in the Patient Ledger window. The memo has black text and is highlighted yellow.

  • After an insurance payment is fully applied, you cannot void fee slips with chargebacks on them. This prevents negative Unapplied or To Apply insurance balances.

To void fee slips

  1. Open a patient’s ledger. For more information, see Opening a Patient’s Ledger.
  2. Select the fee slip that you want to void.
  3. Click View Slip.

    The Fee Slip window opens.

  4. Click Void.

    If the fee slip has an associated Rx order, the Continue Voiding Feeslip window opens.

  5. Click Yes to void the fee slip and cancel the lab orders.
    If payments are recorded on a voided fee slip, the payment amount is added to the patient or insurance company credit balance.
  6. If the items on the fee slip that you voided are set up to maintain perpetual inventory, return the voided items to your inventory. For more information about recording inventory adjustments to return items to your inventory, see Adjusting Your Inventory.
    To delete an item from the Inventory Adjustment window and keep the voided item from returning to your inventory, select a line item and click Delete Line.

    You can return voided items to your inventory (if the items are set up to maintain perpetual inventory) even if you void a fee slip that is not associated with lab orders.