Coordinating Benefits

Often, patients are eligible for benefits under two concurrent VSP plans. For example, a patient who has VSP benefits through her employer and her spouse's employer may be eligible to coordinate those benefits and, therefore, qualify for more services.

To coordinate VSP benefits, perform the following steps:

  1. Record both VSP insurance plans on the Patient Demographics window (Insurance tab). For more information, go to To set up a patient’s VSP insurance .
  2. Record or retrieve an authorization for both plans. For more information, go to To obtain VSP member eligibility and authorization information.
  3. Record the order at a store location in OfficeMate. For more information, go to Recording VSP Orders.
  4. When prompted on the Rx Order window or Fee Slip window, select the authorization for the patient’s primary VSP insurance plan (usually the plan where Self is listed as the insured).
  5. Click COB on the Fee Slip window to select the second authorization. Since coordinated benefits can be applied an infinite number of ways, you must edit the fee slip pricing to apply the benefits as desired.