Recording VSP Orders

Prior to recording a VSP insurance order, you must obtain authorization. For information about obtaining authorization, go to Getting Member Eligibility and VSP Authorization.

  1. Open the Eyewear Order, Soft Lens Order, or Hard Lens Order window. For information about opening these windows refer to the following sections:
  2. Record the eyewear, soft lens, or hard lens order information. For more information about ordering prescriptions, refer to the following sections:
  3. Select the radio button that corresponds to the type of lab being used.

    If you select VSP Order, the lab order will be transmitted electronically to the lab when the fee slip is recorded.

    • Select the VSP Order radio button if this is a VSP order being sent to a VSP lab, and if a VSP authorization has been obtained for the patient.
    • Select the Electronic Lab Order radio button if this is a non-VSP order being sent to a VSP lab.
  4. If OfficeMate prompts you to select a VSP authorization ID, select the appropriate authorization and click OK.
  5. Continue entering the prescription information on the Rx Prescription tab.
  6. In the Lens group, click the ? next to the Name text box to open the Find Product window and search for and select a product.

    The Find Product window opens.

    1. Select your search criteria from the drop-down menus provided.
    2. Select the VSP Mapped Products Only check box.
    3. Click Find.

      Items highlighted in green are products that have been mapped to the VSP catalog.

    4. Select a product from the search results and click Select.
  7. Click Find Add-Ons.

    The Find Add-Ons window opens.

    1. Select your search criteria from the radio buttons drop-down menus provided.
    2. Select the VSP Mapped Products Only check box.
    3. Click F2 Find.
    4. Select the check box for each add-on you want to add and click Select.

      Items highlighted in green are products that have been mapped to the VSP catalog.

  8. Select a date from the Promise Date combo box.
  9. Complete the rest of the Lens Order tab, as needed.
  10. If this is an ophthalmic lens order, click the Frame Order tab; otherwise, skip to step 14.
  11. Select a radio button from the Frame Status and Frame Source groups.
  12. Click the ? next to the Product Code or Name text box to open the Find Product window and search for and select a frame.

    If the patient is using his or her own frame for the order, select a generic frame from the products list. Depending on how the generic frame was entered, it might be called “Patient Own Frame” or “Generic Frame.”

  13. To view a cost estimate and patient out-of-pocket charges, click VSP Estimator. For more information about pricing VSP orders, go to Pricing VSP Orders.
  14. Click Record and select Invoice Now.
  15. If the VSP Labs window opens and displays a list of VSP-approved lab, select a lab from the VSP Labs drop-down menu and click Select Lab.

    The Fee Slip window opens. To continue, go to Recording VSP Fee Slips.

    • If your preferences are set to allow VSP lab orders and claims to be automatically sent, the lab order and claim will be sent when the fee slip is recorded.
    • If an ophthalmic lens does not have an option (for example, a coating), mapped, then OfficeMate adds the price of the option to the base cost of the lens so that you receive the correct out-of-pocket calculations.