Verify Opioid Treatment Agreement
The objective of this measure is to identify the existence of a signed opioid treatment agreement and incorporates it into the patient’s electronic health record.

Querying of prescription drug monitoring programs occurs within the ePrescribing workflow; however, this feature requires that you enable Electronic Prescribing Controlled Substances (EPCS). For more information on enabling EPCS, go to the support community and search for EPCS.

For at least one unique patient for whom a Schedule II opioid was electronically prescribed by the MIPS-eligible clinician using a certified EHR during the performance period—if the total duration of the patient’s Schedule II opioid prescriptions is at least 30 cumulative days within a 6-month look-back period—the MIPS-eligible clinician seeks to identify the existence of a signed opioid treatment agreement and incorporates it into the patient’s electronic health record using a certified EHR.
Number of unique patients for whom a Schedule II opioid was electronically prescribed by the MIPS-eligible clinician using a certified EHR during the performance period and the total duration of Schedule II opioid prescriptions is at least 30 cumulative days as identified in the patient’s medication history request and response transactions during a 6-month look-back period.
The number of unique patients in the denominator for whom the MIPS-eligible clinician seeks to identify a signed opioid treatment agreement and, if identified, incorporates the agreement in a certified EHR. A numerator of at least one is required to fulfill this measure.
The numerator must be one or more.

This measure is optional and unlikely to apply to most eyecare providers. This measure is worth up to 5 bonus points.

The following are suggested roles for completing this measure:
- Doctor
- Technician