Query of Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP)
The objective of this measure is to query state prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMP) when prescribing controlled substances.
Have the front desk run the formulary check when the patient checks in. A formulary check is valid for only three days. After three days, you’ll need to run a new, up-to-date formulary check. Formulary checking is provided by SureScripts and is available for patients who have an active insurance plan.
- In Eyefinity EHR on the web, open the patient’s chart.
- Click the Rx Plans tab.
- Click Request Rx Plans.
- If more than one plan is available, select one and click Set Default.
Querying of prescription drug monitoring programs occurs within the ePrescribing workflow; however, this feature requires that you enable Electronic Prescribing Controlled Substances (EPCS). For more information on enabling EPCS, go to the support community and search for EPCS.
For at least one Schedule II opioid electronically prescribed using a certified EHR during the performance period, the MIPS eligible clinician uses data from a certified EHR to conduct a query of a PDMP for prescription drug history, except where prohibited and in accordance with applicable law.
nominator for which data from certified EHR is used to conduct a query of a PDMP for prescription drug history except where prohibited and in accordance with applicable law.
This is a Yes-No measure. The MIPS-eligible clinician must attest YES to conducting a query of a PDMP for at least one Schedule II opioid electronically prescribed using a certified EHR to earn the bonus points
This measure is optional and unlikely to apply to most eyecare providers. This measure is worth up to 5 bonus points.
The following are suggested roles for completing this measure:
- Doctor
- Technician
This measure cannot be demonstrated during an audit. Take a screenshot of the ePrescribing page that shows formulary checking is enabled.