Bidirectional Health Information Exchange
The objective of this measure is to promote the use of health information exchanges to increase the accessibility of patient records and the interoperability of health record systems.

At the time of this writing, there are no known bidirectional HIEs connecting to Encompass.

At the time of this writing, there are no known bidirectional HIEs connecting to ExamWRITER.

The MIPS-eligible clinician or group must attest that they engage in bidirectional exchange with a health information exchange (HIE) to support transitions of care.

This is a Yes-No measure. Attest Yes only if you meet all of the following conditions.
- You participate in an HIE in order to enable secure, bidirectional exchange to occur for every patient encounter, transition or referral, and record stored or maintained in the EHR during the performance period in accordance with applicable law and policy
- You participate in an HIE that is capable of exchanging information across a broad network of unaffiliated exchange partners including those using disparate EHRs, and does not engage in exclusionary behavior when determining exchange partners.
- You use the functions of your certified EHR to support bidirectional exchange with an HIE.

This measure is an optional alternative to the two referral loop measures within the health information exchange objective. This measure is worth 30 points.

The following are suggested roles for completing this measure:
- Doctor
- Technician
- Scribe