Reviewing Quality Measures

  1. Open the Quality Detail report.
  2. Swipe up or scroll down until you see the report table.

    The report lists the six measures that are counted toward your measure points first. The measures listed after the first six do not factor into your quality score.

    For information about how individual measures are scored, go to Achieving Quality Measures in Encompass.

Column Description
Measure Type Outcome or process. At least one measure must be an outcome measure. Bonus point are available for additional outcomes.
High Priority If no outcome measures are available, at least one measure must be high priority. Bonus points are available for additional priority measures.
Met Number of exams that count toward your score.
Not Met Number of exams that count against your score.
Exclusions Number of exams that are excluded and neither count toward nor against your score.
Points Performance is measured against benchmarks and assigned points. Each measure carries a maximum of 10 points.
Included in Measure Points The six highest performing measures, indicated by a green check mark, are included in your score.