Setting Up Additional Carrier Attributes
Use the Additional Carrier Attributes module to set up provider information for insurance carriers. This section explains how to set up additional carrier attributes.
Topics include the following:

- Open the Company Information window. See To open the Company Information window.
- Click the Add. Carrier Att. link for your company.
The Company Carrier window opens.

- Open the Company Carrier window. See To open the Company Carrier window.
- Select a carrier from the Insurance Carrier drop-down list, or click the arrow buttons to locate a carrier.
- Click the Edit link for the carrier you want to modify.You may need to scroll to the right to see all of the fields.
- Leave the GL Receivable Account, GL Clearing Account, and GL Center fields blank.
- Do not select anything from the Billing Department drop-down list; it currently has no functionality.
- To automatically display any PQRS codes from POS exams in claims for both Medicare and non-Medicare group health insurance carriers, select the PQRS Codes check box.
- To indicate that the office is the rendering provider, select the Office As Rendering Provider check box. Selecting this check box uses the office’s NPI as the NPI for all claims submitted to the insurance carrier from the office, regardless of the doctor who provided the services.
- Select a method for displaying packages from the Package Display Type drop-down list.
- Select a web eligibility option from the Filter Web Eligibility drop-down list.
- Select a billing method from the Billing Mode drop-down list.
- Do not select the Auto Remittance check box; auto remittance is not currently supported.
- To automatically populate the referring provider’s information in box 17 on the CMS 1500 form with the rendering provider’s information, select the Rendering Provider As Referring Provider check box.
- Click Update.

You can only set up EDI settings if you select EDI 837 from the Billing Mode drop-down list when setting up insurance carrier transmit information. See To modify insurance carrier transmit information.
- Open the Company Carrier window. See To open the Company Carrier window.
- Select a carrier from the Insurance Carrier drop-down list, or click the arrow buttons to locate a carrier.
- Click the EDI Settings link for the carrier you want to modify.
The EDI Information window opens.
- Type the payer ID in the Payer Id field.
- Select Gateway EDI 837 (5010 Version) from the Transmission Info Id drop-down list.
AcuityLogic enters 431420764000000 in the Intermission Receiver Id field.
- Type the intermission sender ID in the Intermission Sender Id field.
- Click Save.

If you are setting up provider numbers for the VSP interface, see Setting Up Doctor Information for the VSP Interface.
- Open the Company Carrier window. See To open the Company Carrier window.
- Click the Provider Mgmt link for an insurance carrier.
The Provider Number Management window opens.
- Select either Location or Doctor from the Entity drop-down list.
- Select a location from the Location drop-down list.
- If you are setting up provider numbers for doctors, select a doctor’s name from the Doctor drop-down list.
- Enter the doctor’s provider number in the Provider Number (Box 24j shaded) field. The provider number is the doctor’s social security number; do not include any spaces or hyphens in the number.
- Enter the federal tax ID in the Tax Id (Box 25) field. The number can be up to 9 digits and cannot include alphanumeric or special characters.
- Select an address option from the Billing Preference (Box 33) drop-down list. Your selection determines which address is entered in box 33 on the CMS 1500 form (it takes precedence over the Company > Office Information > Billing Information > CMS Box 33 value).
- Enter the provider taxonomy number for the doctor or location in the Provider Taxonomy (Box 33b) field. Adding a provider taxonomy number for both entity options (doctor and location) for the same location will prevent the claim from being generated correctly.
- Enter a single numeric digit in the IDPA Payee Number field. The payee number is used for provider invoices for the Illinois Department of Public Aide.The Doctor, Tax Id (Box 25), Billing Preference (Box 33), and IDPA Payee Number fields are available only when you select Doctor from the Entity drop-down list.
- Click Create New.