Understanding the Patient’s Experience

The Eyefinity Kiosk is designed to guide patients through signing consents and updating their medical information. Once patients sign in, they should be able to review and update their information in five to ten minutes. This topic discusses what patients see within the kiosk in case they have questions about its use. The topic includes:

Understanding the Patient Login

Once you enable the kiosk for the patient in Eyefinity EHR, the patient has 30 minutes to sign in. If the patient can’t sign in within that 30-minute window, you’ll need to re-enable the kiosk for the patient. For more information, refer to Enabling the Kiosk for Each Patient.

Patients have two options for signing in:

  • Logging in with the Username and Password used for the practice’s patient portal
  • Searching for the patient record by name and birth date

When patients tap Find Your Account, they are prompted to enter their First Name, Last Name, and Date of Birth. The names must be spelled exactly as they appear in Eyefinity EHR. In the case where two patients in the practice have the same name and birth date, the kiosk displays the record for the patient who has been enabled to access the kiosk at that practice location.

Understanding the Patient Kiosk Experience

When patients successfully log in they may begin reviewing their information. The process goes something like this:

  1. If the practice has enabled waivers, they are presented to the patient to review and sign. The patient cannot proceed until all waivers are signed. The patient needs to tap Sign to view the waivers.
  2. The patient reviews waiver text and taps Next.
  3. The patient uses his or her finger to sign and taps Done Signing.

    If the patient declines a waiver, he or she is prompted to log out of the kiosk and is not able to proceed.

  4. The kiosk presents the patient with Review of Systems questions.

    Review of Systems questions are presented only to new patients who have never had an exam in Eyefinity EHR at your practice. For more information, go to This page has moved. You will be redirected to Customizing Review of Systems Questions..

    Patients are not allowed to skip questions in the Review of Systems section of the kiosk. If you want to customize the questions patients see, go to This page has moved. You will be redirected to Customizing Review of Systems Questions..

  5. The kiosk presents the patient with demographic information.

    Ask patients to notify staff of changes to demographic, contact, or insurance information. Information updated in these sections are not transmitted back to the practice management system.

  6. As the patient taps Next to progress through the demographics, he or she is asked to select a pharmacy.
    1. The patient taps Add New Pharmacy.

      The patient may select a local or mail-order pharmacy.

    2. The patient searches for the pharmacy by location or name.

      By default, the kiosk locates pharmacies near the patient’s home address.

  7. The remaining kiosk screens behave similarly. The patient is asked to select medical conditions, medications, allergies, and ocular, social, and family history.
  8. The patient selects the appropriate items and taps Next.
  9. When the patient has reviewed all of their information, they are prompted to log out of the kiosk.
  10. The patient taps Done.