Creating Patient Statements in Claim Management

You can search for claims and generate batches of patient statements (letters) using the Patient Statements feature. Search for claims by office, claim status, how many previous patient notifications have been sent, carrier, and date range.

Once you've selected claims to create patient statements for, they are added to the Patient Statements Queue, which shows the progress of each statement and indicates when there are errors preventing a statement from generating so you can correct any issues and try again.

When statements are successfully created, any claims that had the Ready to Bill Patient status are updated to the Billed to Patient status.

Your administrator can set whether your statements print in detailed or summary format. If your practice is set up to print detailed statements, a single statement will be created for each patient, combining all their outstanding balances. If your practice is not set up to print detailed statements, each patient balance is printed on a separate statement.

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