Appointment Confirmations

This section explains how to manage appointment confirmations. Topics include:

Viewing Appointment Confirmations

  1. In the blue menu bar at the top of the screen, click Appointments and then select Appointment Confirmations from the drop-down list.

    The Appointment Confirmations window lists all the scheduled appointments for the next business day. You can update the confirmation status of an appointment by selecting the options from the Status drop-down list.

  2. To view confirmations for a different date, perform one of the following steps:
    1. Enter the date in the text box.
    2. Click Calendar to select a date from the calendar.
    3. Click the arrows to move forward or backward one day.
  3. To open a patient's Demographics screen in another tab, click the patient's name.

Changing Appointment Confirmations

  1. Click Appointments and then select Appointment Confirmations from the drop-down list.
  2. Locate the appointment and select the confirmation Status.
  3. Record your Staff Initials.
  4. Click Save.
    The confirmation status will default to Confirmed if the current date falls within the Auto Confirm Appointment in Advance range set in Administration.

Printing Patient Welcome Forms

  1. Click Appointments and then select Appointment Confirmations from the drop-down list.
  2. Locate the date you want to print.

    For information on locating confirmations for a specific date, go to Viewing Appointment Confirmations.

  3. Click Print Welcome Forms.

    The Print Welcome Forms window opens.

  4. Select the patients for whom you want to print welcome forms.
  5. Click Print.

    The welcome forms open in another window.

  6. Click Print.

Printing Appointment Confirmations

  1. Click Appointments and then select Appointment Confirmations from the drop-down list.
  2. Locate the date you want to print.

    For information on locating confirmations for a specific date, go to Viewing Appointment Confirmations.

  3. Click Print Confirmations.

    The list of confirmations opens in another window. The current status of each confirmation is shown in bold.

  4. Click Print.

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