Viewing Patient Insurance Information

  1. On the left side of the Demographics screen, click Insurance.

    The Insurance screen displays a list of the patient's insurance plans.

  2. If you want to display only active insurance plans, select Active Only at the top-left of the screen.
  3. Click a Carrier/Plan name to view or edit the plan information.

    For information on editing plan information, go to Adding Non-VSP Insurance Information.

    • If your office recently moved to Encompass from another system, you may have some patients with incomplete insurance information due to differences between systems. These incomplete insurances cannot be used on orders or in the Appointment Calendar.
    • A red icon appears in the insurance list to indicate plans that are missing information. Click plans to see what information is missing and make corrections.
  4. To view the patient’s eligibilities, under Insurance, click the Eligibility/Authorization link on the left side of the screen.

    Icons indicate the patient’s authorization status. See the box in the upper-right corner of the screen for an explanation of the icons.

  5. To view or edit details for an existing eligibility, click the link in the Auth # column.
    For VSP Plans, you can edit the eligibility notes only.
  6. To view the VSP Patient Record Report for a VSP authorization, click the icon in the Report column.
  7. To view the patient’s used or expired authorizations, click the History link.

    Click the History link again to hide the authorization history.

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