Eyefinity Practice Management 10.44 Release Notes
Release Date: January 23, 2024
Eyefinity announces the newest version of Eyefinity Practice Management. This updated version improves upon your system's robust attributes and offers new features and expanded functionality.
This section includes:
- Front Office Enhancements
- Eyefinity Patient Engagement Solutions Enhancements
- Fixed Issues
- API Updates
- Eyefinity Practice Management 10.44.1
Front Office Enhancements
Eyefinity Practice Management 10.44 Front Office includes enhancements to the following areas:
Order Copying Enhancements
Copying Orders with Expired Prescriptions
When you copy an order that has an expired prescription, the system now notifies you and asks you to review the prescription.
If you have the
Copying Orders Now Automatically Selects Current User
When you copy an order, the Resource is no longer copied over, instead, the system automatically assigns you (the current user) as the resource for the order.
Improved VSP Lab Order Status Updates
We've improved the lab order status update feature for invoiced VSP orders. Now when you click the Get Status button on the Integrations tab for an invoiced order, the system updates the lab order status to the most recent status available from eyefinity.com.
Cancel Confirmation for Worldpay Credit Card Authorizations
The system now asks you to confirm that you want to cancel any pending Worldpay credit card authorizations when you leave the Generate Invoice screen without saving. We made this change to prevent "Incomplete Transaction" errors when you try to process the invoice later.
Eyefinity Patient Engagement Solutions Enhancements
Opt In: Online Scheduler Now Offers Reschedule/Cancel; New HIPAA and Retinal Scan Forms
Recent updates to the Patient Engagement solutions include the ability to cancel and reschedule appointments via the online scheduler and the addition of Privacy Practices (HIPAA) and Retinal Scan online forms. For details on the new features, the convenience they add and how to opt in, see Patient Engagement Opt In Features.
The Privacy Practices (HIPAA) and Retinal Scan forms (shown below) can be customized for your practice.
Fixed Issues
Eyefinity Practice Management 10.44 includes fixed issues in the following areas:
Front Office
We've updated the Notes field in the Eligibilities window so that you can enter only the amount of text (250 characters) that can be displayed in the system. Previously, notes over 250 characters could be entered and the text would be cut off when displayed.
The Patient Credit Balance Report no longer shows different information when you generate it on different days using the same cutoff date.
When running the Physical Inventory Variance Detail (INV105), the report only includes the selected collections. Previously, it ignored the selections and included all collections.
The Alerts and Notifications section on the home screen now shows the "Daily Closing has not been run" and "Daily Closing has already been performed" notifications, as applicable.
We've fixed an issue that was causing duplicate transactions when processing orders.
Patient Statement PDFs exported from the Demographics screen are now formatted correctly. Previously, text was sometimes cut off on the right side of the page.
You can now use the VSP calculator for an order that contains an exam and trial contact lenses; previously, the trial contact lens details caused an error.
Same-day refunds for Worldpay credit card transactions are now processed as refunds instead of voids/reversals.
You can now save (or receive from Eyefinity EHR) a contact lens prescription for only one eye. Previously, when you tried to save the prescription, an error displayed.
We corrected an issue that was causing different sales tax amounts to show on the Sales Tax Report and the Monthly Production Summary Report.
Claim Management
We've updated the Claim Notes field so that you can enter only the amount of text (250 characters) that can be displayed in the system. Previously, notes over 250 characters could be entered and the text would be cut off when displayed.
We fixed an issue that was causing duplicate receivables.
API Updates
This section provides a high-level list of changes implemented to the Eyefinity APIs with release EPM 10.44.
Retail API
The Retail API changes include:
For a contact lens order, the UPC field is now populated with the UPC value (for ABB catalog contact lens only; contact Eyefinity on available solutions for non-catalog contact lenses).
Fields added to the Retail Transaction payload:
isPatientOwnFrame – indicates if the frame is patient-owned
NumberofRemakes – indicates the number of remakes for the order
orderPutOnHold – T/F where True indicates the order is on hold.
Miscellaneous Payment section added to the Retail Transaction payload:
Lab Order API
The following insurance fields were added to the Lab Order API:
Company GUID
The addition of a Company GUID is included in the relevant API event payload (see below) to identify a company. A Company is already identified via OAuth token exchange process for callable API endpoints and was therefore not added. (Effectively, the Company used during the OAuth token exchange acts as a filter for these responses already.)
Retail API
Payloads include Company GUID to identify the company.
Claims API
Payloads includes Company GUID to identify the company.
Order Status API
Payloads include Company GUID to identify the company.
Payloads include Company GUID to identify the company.
Eyefinity Practice Management 10.44.1
Release Date: February 6, 2024
Eyefinity Practice Management 10.44.1 includes the following updates.
We've fixed an issue that was preventing expired or used authorizations from being used on remake orders. These authorizations now correctly display in the patient's eligibility history.
Errors no longer occur when searching for frames in the Standard Frame Setup screen in Admin.
You can now successfully use the VSP Authorizations feature to pull bulk authorizations.
Totals shown on the Ledger now include any insurance discount amount applied to the order. Previously, the insurance discount amount was left out of the Ledger total calculations and would appear as a balance due.