Sending Secure Messages from a Patient’s Profile

  1. Log into the provider portal. For more information about logging into the provider portal, go to Logging into the Provider Portal.
  2. Type search criteria into the Search Patient Profile text boxes and click Search.
    The Patient ID in the patient and provider portal is the same as the Patient # or Patient ID in OfficeMate.

    The Account # is assigned by the patient and provider portal.
  3. Click a patient’s name to open the patient’s profile.
  4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Back to Patient Profile.
  5. Click Secure Messaging.
  6. Type the Patient ID (which is the same as the Patient # or Patient ID in OfficeMate) in the To text box and then press Enter.
  7. Type an email Subject and message and then click Send.
    If the patient has not yet activated their portal account, encourage them to follow the instructions in the welcome email that they received to activate their account.

    The message is sent to the patient. To view the status of the message, go to Viewing the Status of Outgoing Messages. The patient can view the message in his or her portal. For more information on receiving secure messages in the patient portal, go to Sending & Receiving Provider Secure Messages.