Tracking, Receiving, & Dispensing Orders in Store Locations

This topic tells you how to track eyewear, soft contact lens, and hard contact lens orders through the order and delivery process.

  1. Open the Eyewear Order, Soft Lens Order, or Hard Lens Order window and find and select the order that you want to track. For information on opening the Eyewear Order window, go to To open the Eyewear Order window. For information on opening the Soft Lens Order window, go to To open the Soft Lens Order window. For information on opening the Hard Lens Order window, go to To open the Soft Lens Order window.
  2. Select the name of the vendor from which you ordered lenses, if applicable, from the Order Lens From (for eyewear orders) or Supplier (for soft and hard contact lens orders) drop-down menu.
    The vendor that you select from the Order Lens From and Supplier drop-down menus must be set up to provide lab products and services.

  3. Select an order status from the Status drop-down menu.
  4. If you want to record the lab order number, type the lab order number in the Lab Order # text box.
  5. If you want to record the lab order tray number, type the tray number in the Tray # text box.
  6. Type or select the date you promise the eyewear order will be available to the patient in the Promise Date text box.
  7. Type special instructions, if applicable, in the Special Lab Instructions text box.
  8. Select one of the following tracking radio buttons:
    • Fit By to indicate that the order was recently fit by a doctor or staff member.
    • Ordered to indicate that the order was placed.
    • Received to indicate that the order was received.
    • Notified to indicate that the patient was notified that the order was received.
    • Dispensed to indicate that the order was dispensed.
    • Canceled to indicate that the order was canceled.
      Lab order reports are generated based on the radio button that you select. For more information on reports, see Creating and Printing Reports and Statements.

      If you cancel an order, you may need to notify the lab of the cancellation.
  9. Select the name of the doctor or staff member who fit, ordered, received, notified, or dispensed the order from the Name drop-down menu.
  10. Select or type the date the order was fit, ordered, received, notified, or dispensed in the Date text box.
  11. Click Record and complete one of the tasks below:
    • Select Record to save the tracking information that you recorded.
    • Select New Order to save the tracking information that you recorded, create a lab order number (if one was not already created), and open a new order.
    • Select Eyewear Order to record the order, create a lab order number (if one was not already created), and open a new eyewear order.
    • Select Soft Lens Order to record the order, create a lab order number (if one was not already created), and open a new soft lens order.
    • Select Rigid Lens Order to record the eyewear order, create a lab order number (if one was not already created), and open a new rigid lens order.
    • Select Invoice Now to record the order, create a lab order number (if one was not already created), and open the fee slip window so that you can bill the order. For more information on recording fee slips, go to Recording Fee Slips and Printing Receipts.
    • Select Cancel to cancel the tracking information that you recorded.
      If the OMATE window opens and asks if you want to create a purchase order from the recorded order, click Yes to open the Create PO from Lab Order window. For more information on recording purchase orders, go to Maintaining Inventory Information.