Creating and Printing Reports and Statements

You can create and print reports and statements for analyzing your finances, reviewing your marketing strategies, and viewing your sales. You can produce reports daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, or on demand.

For more information, watch this video.

Before you create and print reports and statements, set up your security preferences for reports. For more information on setting up security preferences, go to Setting Up Security.

Any transactions posted in OfficeMate Administration will only be listed on the OfficeMate Administration reports. To include OfficeMate Administration transactions in a report, select an administrative location or All from the location drop-down menu in the Selection Criteria and Sort Order.

Eyefinity suggests that you print the following audit reports on a daily or monthly basis to help you effectively manage your practice’s finances: Accounts Receivable VarianceAdjustment RegisterApplied Payment Register by DateProducts SoldDay Sheet by Provider on Fee Slip by Line ItemDeposit TicketDiscount RegisterFee Slip DetailInsurance Aging ReportsMonthly Production SummaryProductionReturns And RefundsUnapplied Amounts

Print reports and statements using 8½” × 11” paper stock.