Recording VSP Fee Slips

After you have recorded the VSP order, clicked Record, and selected Invoice Now, the Fee Slip window opens prepopulated with information from the Eyewear Order, Soft Lens Order, or Hard Lens Order window. For more information about recording VSP orders, go to Recording VSP Orders. To record the fee slip, perform the following steps.

This section calls attention only to the fields and options particular to the VSP Interface. For complete information about recording fee slips, go to Recording VSP Fee Slips.

  1. Click VSP Estimator.

    The VSP Estimator window opens and retrieves copays, coverage information, and patient out-of-pocket expenses.

  2. Adjust information on the VSP Estimator window, if needed.

    Do not adjust pricing after this point. Adjusting prices and fees after this point will likely cause your claim to fail.

  3. Click Transfer to Fee Slip to copy the fee and cost information back to the Fee Slip window.
  4. Click Record.

    If you selected to use an authorization that has been previously used, the order will not be automatically transmitted to VSP, but you will be able to make changes to it in the Third Party Processing window. For more information on the Third Party Processing window, go to Processing CMS 1500 Claims.

    The VSP Additional Information window opens.

  5. If a dialog pops up and asks if a dilation was performed, select the Yes or No radio button and click OK.

    If there are no errors, the VSP order and claim are submitted immediately and the doctor service report and packing slip pop up.

    • OfficeMate does not display a message verifying that the VSP order and claim were sent. To verify that the claim was sent, go to the Third Party Processing window. For more information, go to Researching VSP Insurance Claims & Lab Orders.
    • By default, OfficeMate sends VSP claims and orders that do not have errors immediately. However, if your preferences are set so that VSP claims are sent to the Third Party Processing window, your VSP claims and orders will not be sent until the claim is processed in the Third Party Processing window.
    • If you selected to use an authorization that had been previously used, the order will not be automatically transmitted to VSP, but you will be able to make changes to it and close in the Third Party Processing window.