Adding Office Resources
Use Office Resource Setup to allow scheduling of your dispensary, equipment, or exam rooms for appointments. You can also use this feature to schedule your vendor appointments.
Do not use office resources in place of a provider for scheduling with EHR.
- From the menu, click Resources and select Office Resource Setup. The Office Resource Setup screen opens.
- Click + Resource. The Add Office Resource window opens.
- Complete the following fields:
Resource ID
A unique alphanumeric ID.
The resource ID is displayed on patient invoices and transactions generated by the staff member for tracking and auditing purposes.
Resource Name
Give the resource a name that will make it easy to identify, such as the name of the piece of equipment or the room name or number.
Use at Office(s)
A drop-down list of offices. Select the offices where the resource is available.
Default Exam Minutes
The default number of exam minutes in which the scheduler should increment appointments for the resource. You can select default exam minutes in any 5-minute increment between 5 and 90 minutes.
Allow Overbooks
The maximum number of overbookings that are allowed in each time period.
Selecting 0 prevents appointments from being double booked on the resource's schedule.
If selected, allows the resource to have appointments scheduled. The resource will appear in the Scheduler on the Resource drop-down list and in Resource Settings.
Online Schedule
Office resources are not currently available for online scheduling with Eyefinity Integrated Online Scheduling. This capability will be added in a future release.
Electronic Patient Notifications Office resources are not currently available for Electronic Patient Notifications. This capability will be added in a future release.
Telehealth User Note: This field is available only if your office is set up for Telehealth Services.
Select whether the resource will be available for telehealth appointments.
- Select Never to prevent the resource from being booked for telehealth appointments.
- Select Part Time to allow both in-office and telehealth appointments for this resource.
- Select Full Time to allow only telehealth appointments for this resource.
For more information on telehealth services, see Setting Up and Using Certified Partner Telehealth Integrations with Encompass.
- Click Save.
The office resource is added to the list in the Company: Office Resource Setup screen.
Follow the steps provided in Setting Up Resource Schedules to add a resource schedule for the office resource.
- Go to the Scheduler and click the blue button with white lines on it and select Resource Settings. Select the office resource in the Resource Settings window to make it available in the Scheduler.
You can now schedule appointments for the office resource.