Using Eyefinity Electronic Patient Notifications

The Eyefinity Electronic Patient Notifications require an additional fee and setup by Eyefinity. For information on how to get started, see our website.

The Eyefinity Electronic Patient Notifications service automatically sends text or voice notifications that are directly integrated with your Encompass system. Messages can be sent to patients for upcoming scheduled appointments, recalls, and eyewear ready notifications. Patient appointment confirmations are processed automatically. Patient responses requiring action by your staff (for example, if the patient texts a question instead of confirming the appointment) are listed on a results reports that is emailed to your practice daily.

Notifications are sent to patients in one of two ways:

  • Patients with a mobile number recorded in Encompass receive a text message. All text replies appear on the daily results report.
  • Patients without a mobile number receive a voice phone call at their home number (appointment reminders and recalls only).

All notifications are sent from a toll-free number that is not your office phone number. If a patient calls the number, the call is automatically forwarded to your office. It is recommended that you ask patients to add your new Electronic Patient Notifications phone number to their contact books, so they know that these messages are coming from the practice and not spam.

  • Notifications can only be sent to phone numbers within the United States. United States territories, including Puerto Rico, are not included in the service area.

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