Printing Insurance Claims

  1. Open the Third Party Processing window. For more information on opening this window, see Opening the Third Party Processing Window.
  2. Search for insurance claims. For more information on searching for insurance claims, see Searching for Insurance Claims.
  3. Correct any errors in the insurance claims. For more information on correcting errors, see Correcting Errors in Insurance Claims.
  4. View or add additional information to the CMS 1500 forms, as needed. For more information on adding information to a CMS 1500 form, see Recording Additional Information on the CMS 1500 Form and ANSI File.
  5. Click Print CMS.
  6. If you want to create a batch file and export claims electronically, see Exporting Insurance Claims.

    To print multiple claims for a specific insurance carrier, the administrative location must designate the E-Claims Processor as Print to Paper in the Insurance Billing Initial Setup window. For more information, see To add and modify insurance carriers.

    Printing claims requires Microsoft XPS Document Writer v4 or later. XPS is installed as part of your Windows operating system. For XPS troubleshooting information, visit our knowledge base.

In addition to the procedure above, watch this video for more information.