Recording Product Inventory Details

Before you begin maintaining inventory, record product information and inventory details in OfficeMate. Complete the instructions in this section to record product inventory details. Go to Recording Product Information to record product information.

  • Only users in distribution centers and the administrative location can open the Products window.
  • If you are using the FRAMES SPEX UPC or On Demand electronic download or the FRAMES Quarterly CD-ROM, go to Using FrameMate for instructions on how to use FrameMate to transfer frame information into OfficeMate.
  • Before you add products to OfficeMate set up your insurance fee schedule information and procedure codes. To set up insurance information, go to To modify or add appointment schedule resources. To set up procedure codes, go to To add & modify attributes.
  • Press the F12 key when your cursor is in a drop-down box to open a Maintain window and add new items to the drop-down menu selections. For more information on using the F12 key, go to To add and maintain list box selections (F12).
  1. Open the Products window. For more information on opening the Products window, go to Opening the Products Window.
  2. Select a product from the Product Type drop-down menu.
  3. Select a product manufacturer from the Manufacturer drop-down menu.
  4. Type a product name in the Product Name text box.
  5. Click F2-Find or press Enter to search for a product.
  6. Double-click on a product for which you want to record product inventory details.
  7. Click the Product Details tab.
  8. Click New to add new product details or select a line in the table to modify product inventory details.
  9. Select the product’s status:
    • Select the Stock/Inline radio button if the product is regularly kept in inventory at store locations and is available for sale.
    • Select the Non Stock/Not Inline radio button if the item is not regularly kept in inventory at the store locations, but is ordered from a vendor when a unit is sold.
    • Select the Inactive radio button if the product is not regularly kept in inventory at the store locations, nor is it ordered from a vendor when a unit is sold. Items marked as inactive do not appear in product order search results.
    • Select the Discontinued radio button if the product is no longer available. Items marked as discontinued do not appear in product order search results.
    • Select the Backordered check box if the item is not currently available from the vendor or manufacturer and type the date in which the item is again expected to be available in the ETA text box. This date can also be entered on the Receive PO window. In the event two different dates are entered, the latest date is displayed.
    • Select the Display Sample check box to indicate that there are sample or display units of this product. The minimum display quantity for the product is set to one. You can change the minimum sample quantity on the All Locations Inventory tab.
  10. If you are recording information for any product except lens treatments or accessories, type the product size information in the Product Sizes fields.
  11. Type the cost of the product in the Prod Cost text box.
  12. Type the product fee in the Prod Fee text box.
  13. Type the product code in the Product Code text box.


    Type the UPC code in the UPC Code text box

    Due to limitations in barcode printing and scanning systems, ensure your Product Code and UPC Code meet the following requirements:

    • Must be 6–12 digits
    • Must contain only numbers
    • Must be an even number of digits. Enter leading zeros as needed to ensure an even number
    • Must be unique among the products in your system

    If you transfer frame information from a FRAMES Data CD-ROM into OfficeMate, the product UPC code is automatically moved to the Product Code box, and the UPC Code box is left empty. For more information on how to use FrameMate to transfer frame information into OfficeMate, go to Transferring & Loading Frames into the OfficeMate Products Database.

  14. Type or select a color from the Color drop-down menu, if applicable.
  15. Click the All Locations Inventory tab.
  16. To override the default reorder preferences set up in the Products Setup window, enter the following information as needed for each location:
    • Type the Board Location as needed.
    • Type the quantity the location should have on hand in the Stock Level field.
    • Type the minimum reorder point in the Min Reorder Point field.
    • Type the minimum reorder quantity in the Min Reorder field.
    • Type the number of display or sample items each location has on hand in the Min Display Qty field.
      • When the quantity on hand drops below the minimum reorder point, OfficeMate adds the product to a purchase order when the purchase order is created from the quantity on hand. For information on creating purchase orders based on quantity on hand, refer to Creating and Maintaining Purchase Orders from Quantity on Hand.
      • The Avg Cost field is informational only and displays the average cost of the product. The average cost is weighted, based on the cost of the product at the time each unit was received into inventory.
      • The Qty on Order field represents the quantity on order when a purchase order is created. Compare the Qty on Order to the Qty Committed to know what is available as stock and is not already committed.
      • The Qty Committed field represents the quantity of a product sold that was not on hand, is currently on order, and is still owed to a patient. This eliminates the previous quantity going negative.The only way to clear this quantity is to mark the product as Dispensed on the Order window.
      • The Qty In Process field represents items that have not been dispensed to the patient. The only way to clear this quantity is to mark the product as Dispensed on the Order window.
  17. Click Save and select one of the following options:
    • Save to save the information and keep the Products window open.
    • Save and New to save the information and create a new product.
    • Save and Exit to close the Products window.