Reporting MIPS Performance with the Encompass Registry

The built-in registry enables you to submit your MIPS data directly from Encompass to CMS.

Encompass features a built-in registry that enables you to submit your MIPS data to CMS as an individual or as a group. This allows you to submit data from within the Encompass MIPS Dashboard directly to CMS without having to use the QPP provider portal. To learn more about the MIPS dashboard, go to Tracking MIPS Performance with the Encompass MIPS Dashboard.

Your MIPS data is sent instantly to CMS. You may immediately log in to the QPP provider portal to review your submission.

The Encompass registry requires a per-clinician annual subscription. To purchase the registry, call Eyefinity sales team at 800.269.3666. You must purchase the registry by mid-March to be able to submit MIPS data for the preceding performance year.

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