Searching for Existing Patients

You can search for existing patients by using the patient’s last name, first name, date of birth, or phone number.

  1. Click Patients and select Search/Add Patients.
  2. Enter the patient’s Last Name, First Name, Date of Birth, and/or Phone number.

    To search using the Last Name and First Name fields, you must enter some valid text. Typing a space in these fields will not return any search results.

  3. To include inactive patients in the search results, select Show Inactive.
  4. To include the responsible party information in the list, select Show Responsible Party
  5. Click Search.

    The patient list updates to display the search results.

    • The Last Exam Purchase field displays the office where the patient received their last billed exam, along with the date of the exam.
    • If no results are found, you can add a new patient. See Adding a New Patient.
  6. Perform one of the following:

Accessing Patient Information from Patient Search

After you have searched for a patient, you can use the icons in the Shortcuts column to access the patient's information in other areas of the system.

  1. Search for the patient, as described in the procedure above.
  2. Locate the patient in the list.
  3. Click one of the icons in the Shortcuts column. Hover your cursor over each icon to see what part of the system it accesses.

Opens the patient's Demographics screen.

This option is only available if the Use Patient Overview check box is deselected in Administration. For more information, go to Setting Up the Patient Default Landing Page.

Opens the patient's Material Orders screen.

Opens the patient's Insurance screen.

Opens the patient's Rx screen.

Opens the patient's Notes screen.

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