Adding a Contact Lens Prescription

Contact lens prescriptions added using this procedure are listed in the in the patient's prescription history with a Manual source type.

  1. On the left side of the Demographics screen, click Rx.
  2. Click + Contact Lens Rx.
  3. Select whether this is a Soft or Hard/Custom contact lens prescription. Select the Hard/Custom option to create prescriptions for custom, hybrid, or made-to-order contact lenses in addition to hard lenses.

    The Source field indicates that this is a Manual prescription, meaning it is being created in Front Office and was not imported.

  4. If the prescribing provider is an office doctor, select Provider and proceed to step 6. This field defaults to the provider selected for the patient in Demographics.

    If the provider is an outside doctor:

    1. Select Outside Provider.
    2. Click Search/Add Provider.
    3. In the Outside Provider window, enter the provider’s Last Name and/or First Name.
    4. Click Search.
    5. Click the provider’s name in the list to select it and return to the Rx window.

      If the provider you are searching for is not listed, click +Outside Provider to add the provider. For instructions, go to Adding Outside Providers.

      Only providers and staff members with the Rx Outside Provider Setup security permission selected in Administration can add outside providers. If you do not have this security permission, an Override window displays, allowing another user with permission to enter their username and password and give you temporary access. For information on setting security permissions, see Setting Up Provider Security Settings and Setting Up Staff Security Settings
  5. Select the contact lens usage type from the Lens Rx Type field.

  6. Enter or select the Exam Date.
  7. The Expiration Date defaults to the setting selected in Administration, but you can change it. For information on changing this setting, go to Setting Up Default Rx Expiration Periods
  8. Enter or select the measurements for the Right Lens.

    If your practice uses the contact lens ordering integration, be sure to select either Eyefinity - ABB (for ABB) or Eyefinity - WVA (for Fait Distribution) as the Supplier for both lenses.

  9. To copy information from the right lens to the left lens, click Copy to Left Lens. Otherwise, enter or select the measurements for the Left Lens.
  10. Make selections under Special Instructions, as necessary.
  11. Record any Rx Notes.

    You can view notes recorded here in the Correspondence: Notes window. For more information, go to Searching Existing Notes.

    You can include notes recorded here on the Patient Audit Report. For more information, go to Generating the Patient Audit Report.

  12. Click Save.

    The prescription is saved. To print it, see Printing a Prescription.